2024-2025 ECE Scholarship Descriptions

Don CARPENTER IEEE ScholarshipOne or two scholarships totalling $2,650 have been endowed by a bequest from Clara Laverne Carpenter to honour her husband, Don Carpenter, and to mark his connection with the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, especially as one of the original members of the old IRE group in Vancouver. The scholarship is offered to students in Electrical Engineering who have good academic standing and propose to specialize in electronics.
Charles Lindsay THOMPSON ScholarshipScholarships totalling $6,850 have been endowed through a bequest from Constance Mabel Thompson. The awards are made to one or more students specializing in courses in electronics or related fields, on the recommendations of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Captain C. Y. WU ScholarshipScholarships totaling $6,750 have been endowed by Captain Chao Yu Wu and his wife Chiu Hui Wu, M.Sc., Ph.D., from the proceeds of a retirement allowance for Captain Wu after 17 years of service at B.C. Hydro. Two scholarships are available to students in Engineering Physics, two in Electrical Engineering and a fifth scholarship in Education. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Departments of Engineering Physics ($2,700), Electrical and Computer Engineering ($2,700) and Education ($1,350).
M.M.Z. KHARADLY Student Project Prize in Electrical EngineeringA $250 prize has been endowed by the students, research colleagues and friends of Professor M.M.Z. Kharadly to honour his retirement in 1992. The award is offered on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical Engineering to an undergraduate student whose experimental project demonstrates excellence and creativity.
Joe DELLASAVIA Memorial Prize in EngineeringA $650 prize has been endowed in memory of Joe Dellasavia by friends and colleagues. The award is offered to an undergraduate student in the computer engineering option in Electrical Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Electrical Engineering department.
General Motors of Canada Company Scholarship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringA $5,600 scholarship has been endowed by General Motors of Canada Company. The award is offered to a female student in Electrical and Computer Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Department.
ROCKWELL Automation Canada Inc. Scholarship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringA $1,800 scholarship has been endowed by Rockwell Automation Canada Inc. The award is offered to a female student in Electrical and Computer Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Department.
PMC-Sierra Inc. Founders' Award in Electrical and Computer EngineeringAwards totalling $23,750 have been endowed by Kevin Huscroft, a founder of PMC-Sierra, Inc. and enhanced by Greg Aasen and a number of other founders. The awards are offered to students in Computer or Electrical Engineering, or in the Electrical option in Engineering Physics. The awards are made to students with interest and achievement in communication system design or integrated circuit design on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Five awards $4,750 each are made on the recommendation of the Head of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Edward and Aldine MADSEN ScholarshipScholarships totalling $4,700 have been endowed through a bequest by Aldine Florence Madsen and her husband, Edward Madsen (B.Sc. 1949, University of Alberta), for students in Electrical Engineering who have demonstrated an interest in applying their technical knowledge to improving the quality of life of Canadians. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and, in the case of a graduate student, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Matti NIIT Memorial Prize in Electrical EngineeringA $300 prize has been endowed in memory of Matti Niit. The award is offered to an outstanding student in Electrical Engineering, with preference given to a fourth year student. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical Engineering.
Ian and Frances DOWDESWELL Scholarship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringScholarships totalling $4,050 have been endowed by Ian and Frances Dowdeswell for students in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
GRADUATING Class of 1969 Electrical Engineering AwardA $700 award has been endowed by members of the graduating class of 1969 in Electrical Engineering for a student with good academic standing entering fourth year who has demonstrated leadership through active involvement in student government, professional societies, and/or campus and community activities. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering.
James YAN Award in Electrical and Computer EngineeringIn appreciation of the education he received at UBC, Dr. James (Jim) Yan (B.A.Sc.1969, M.A.Sc.1971, and Ph.D.1977) has endowed a $1,500 award for an undergraduate student entering third year of the Bachelor of Applied Science Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The award recipient must have achieved a top 10% academic standing in his or her second year and have demonstrated significant contributions or leadership in student associations, community services, and/or cultural activities. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department.
GRADUATING Class of Electrical Engineering 1971 Service AwardA $2,550 award has been endowed by members of the Graduating Class of 1971 in Electrical Engineering for an undergraduate student with good academic standing in Electrical and Computer Engineering who has demonstrated leadership through active involvement in professional societies, student government, and/or campus and community activities. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Martin SIKES Memorial Scholarship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringScholarships totalling $12,100 have been endowed by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Martin Sikes (1968-2007) for Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduate students. At UBC, Martin was involved in multiple extra-curricular activities, including presidency of the Electrical Engineering Student Union club and being a mover and shaker in numerous harmless pranks. After graduation, he went on to be highly successful in the video games industry as both a businessman and a developer of world-renowned games. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Martin SIKES Memorial Service Award in Electrical and Computer EngineeringAwards totalling $12,550 have been endowed by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Martin Sikes (1968-2007) for Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduate students with good academic standing at the University who have demonstrated leadership through active involvement in professional societies, student government, and/or campus and community activities. At UBC, Martin was involved in multiple extra-curricular activities, including presidency of the Electrical Engineering Student Union club and being a mover and shaker in numerous harmless pranks. After graduation, he went on to be highly successful in the video games industry as both a businessman and a developer of world-renowned games. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Peter A. NIBLOCK Memorial Award in Electrical EngineeringA $1,600 award has been endowed by friends and family in memory of Peter A. Niblock (B.A.Sc., in Electrical Engineering 1949, M.A.Sc, in Electrical Engineering 1952) for students in Electrical Engineering with preference given to a female student. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Jim and Helen HILL Memorial Service Award in Electrical EngineeringAwards totaling $20,350 have been endowed by the estates of UBC alumni Helen Gray ('56 BSN) and Christopher James (Jim) Hill ('52 BASc). In recognition of the Hills' passion for volunteerism, the awards will go to outstanding undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Science studying Electrical Engineering who have demonstrated leadership through volunteerism, community service and campus activities. Financial need may be considered. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.
Abdul M. MOUSA Scholarship in EngineeringScholarships totalling $3,850 have been made available through an endowment established by Abdul M. Mousa to outstanding undergraduate students in second or third year studying electrical engineering. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Walter David Duerksen Memorial Scholarship in Electrical EngineeringA $1,550 scholarship has been made available through an endowment established by Isabelle Duerksen, in memory of her husband, Walter David Duerksen (B.A.Sc. 1951) for an undergraduate electrical engineering student who is entering the final year of study. Recommendations are made by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science.
Lorne R. KERSEY Memorial BursaryA $1,750 bursary has been endowed by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Professor Lorne R. Kersey. The award recognizes Professor Kersey's contributions to the electrical engineering profession in B.C., and to electrical engineering students. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in consultation with Enrolment Services, to a student who is an active member of the IEEE.
Kenneth George VANSACKER Memorial ScholarshipScholarships totalling $2,450 have been endowed by Al VanSacker in memory of his son, Kenneth. The awards are offered to students in Electrical Engineering and are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Dennis and Patricia Lytle Scholarship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringScholarships totalling $35,000 have been made available through an endowment established by an estate gift from Dennis Doey Lytle (1922-2018), for outstanding undergraduate and graduate female students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dennis Lytle earned a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from UBC in 1945. The scholarships are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and in the case of a graduate student, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. (First award available for the 2020/2021 winter session).
H. Vincent Casson Scholarship in Electrical EngineeringScholarships totalling $2,550 have been made available through an endowment established by an estate gift from Harold Vincent Casson (1920-1989) for outstanding Bachelor of Applied Science students majoring in Electrical Engineering. Mr. Casson (B.A.Sc. 1942) was born in Victoria, British Columbia. He was a member of Sigma Phi Delta fraternity while a student at UBC. Mr. Casson joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1942 after graduating from UBC, and served in World War II. He retired from the Navy in 1947 as a Lieutenant, and settled in Montreal, Quebec, where he worked as a director and general manager of Gallowhur Chemicals Canada Ltd. and ran an engineering consulting business. Mr. Casson was involved with the Montreal Branch of the UBC Alumni Association throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and in 1960 served as the Branchs secretary. The scholarships are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
ROGERS Communications Inc. ScholarshipScholarships totalling $3,150 have been endowed by Rogers Communications Inc. and the Province of British Columbia for students entering the Electrical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty.
Robert Lashin Scholarship in Electrical EngineeringScholarships totalling $1,100 have been made available through an endowment established in honour of Robert Lashin by Houle Electric Limited for outstanding Bachelor of Applied Science students specializing in Electrical Engineering. Robert Lashin (B.A.Sc. 1972) dedicated his career to Houle Electric and was instrumental in the companys growth and vision. He received several prestigious awards for his contributions to the industry, including the VCRA Lifetime Achievement Award and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. The scholarships are made on the recommendation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.